
text.Text(clip clip, string text[, int alignment=7, int scale=1])

Text is a simple text printing filter. It doesn’t use any external libraries for drawing the text. It uses a built-in bitmap font: the not-bold, 8×16 version of Terminus. The font was not modified, only converted from PCF to an array of bytes.

The font covers Windows-1252, which is a superset of ISO-8859-1 (aka latin1). Unprintable characters get turned into underscores. Long lines get wrapped in a dumb way. Lines that end up too low to fit in the frame are silently dropped.

The alignment parameter takes a number from 1 to 9, corresponding to the positions of the keys on a numpad.

The scale parameter sets an integer scaling factor for the bitmap font.

ClipInfo, CoreInfo, FrameNum, and FrameProps are convenience functions based on Text.