.. _avisource: AVISource ========= .. function:: AVISource(string path[, string pixel_type, string fourcc, bint alpha=False]) :module: avisource .. function:: AVIFileSource(string path[, string pixel_type, string fourcc, bint alpha=False]) :module: avisource .. function:: OpenDMLSource(string path[, string pixel_type, string fourcc, bint alpha=False]) :module: avisource Opens an AVI file using VFW in windows. *AVISource* should usually be the only function you have to use. The only two options are *fourcc*, which overrides the fourcc stored in the AVI, and *pixel_type*, which tells the decoder to prefer a certain output format. Accepted *pixel_type* values:: YV24, YV16, YV12, YV411, YUY2, Y8, RGB32, RGB24, RGB48, P010, P016, P210, P216, v210