
std.ShufflePlanes(vnode[] clips, int[] planes, int colorfamily)

ShufflePlanes can extract and combine planes from different clips in the most general way possible. This is both good and bad, as there are almost no error checks.

Most of the returned clip’s properties are implicitly determined from the first clip given to clips.

The clips parameter takes between one and three clips for color families with three planes. In this case clips=[A] is equivalent to clips=[A, A, A] and clips=[A, B] is equivalent to clips=[A, B, B]. For the GRAY color family, which has one plane, it takes exactly one clip.

The argument planes controls which of the input clips’ planes to use. Zero indexed. The first number refers to the first input clip, the second number to the second clip, the third number to the third clip.

The only thing that needs to be specified is colorfamily, which controls which color family (YUV, RGB, GRAY) the output clip will be. Properties such as subsampling are determined from the relative size of the given planes to combine.

ShufflePlanes accepts clips with variable format and dimensions only when extracting a single plane.

Below are some examples of useful operations.

Extract plane with index X. X=0 will mean luma in a YUV clip and R in an RGB clip. Likewise 1 will return the U and G channels, respectively:

ShufflePlanes(clips=clip, planes=X, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)

Swap U and V in a YUV clip:

ShufflePlanes(clips=clip, planes=[0, 2, 1], colorfamily=vs.YUV)

Merge 3 grayscale clips into a YUV clip:

ShufflePlanes(clips=[Yclip, Uclip, Vclip], planes=[0, 0, 0], colorfamily=vs.YUV)

Cast a YUV clip to RGB:

ShufflePlanes(clips=[YUVclip], planes=[0, 1, 2], colorfamily=vs.RGB)