
std.BlankAudio([anode clip, int[] channels=[FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT], int bits=16, int sampletype=INTEGER, int samplerate=44100, int length=(10*samplerate), bint keep=0])

Generates a new empty clip. This can be useful to have when editing audio or for testing. The default is a 10 second long 44.1kHz 16 bit stereo clip. Instead of specifying every property individually, BlankAudio can also copy the properties from clip. If both an argument such as sampletype, and clip are set, then sampletype will take precedence.

The channels argument is a list of channel constants. Specifying the same channel twice is not allowed.

The possible sampletype values are currently INTEGER (0) and FLOAT (1).

If keep is set, a reference to the same frame is returned on every request. Otherwise a new frame is generated every time. There should usually be no reason to change this setting.