.. _pythonreference: Python Reference ================ VapourSynth is separated into a core library and a Python module. This section explains how the core library is exposed through Python and some of the special things unique to Python scripting, such as slicing and output. .. note:: Any script executed through the vsscript api (that means vspipe, avfs, vsvfw or other API users) will have __name__ set to "__vapoursynth__" unlike normal Python scripts where it usually is "__main__". VapourSynth Structure ##################### Most operations in the VapourSynth library are performed through the singleton core object. This core may load plugins, which all end up in their own unit, or namespace, so to say, to avoid naming conflicts in the contained functions. For this reason you call a plugin function with *core.unit.Function()*. All arguments to functions have names that are lowercase and all function names are CamelCase. Unit names are also lowercase and usually short. This is good to remember as a general rule. Grammar ####### Slicing and Other Syntactic Sugar ********************************* The VideoNode and AudioNode class (always called "clip" in practice) supports the full range of indexing and slicing operations in Python. If you do perform a slicing operation on a clip, you will get a new clip back with the desired frames. Here are a few examples. +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Operation | Description | Equivalent | +===========================================+===============================================================+==========================================================+ | clip = clip[5] | Make a single frame clip containing frame number 5 | | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | clip = clip[5:11] | Make a clip containing frames 5 to 10 [#f1]_ | | clip = core.std.Trim(clip, first=5, last=10) | | | | | clip = core.std.AudioTrim(clip, first=5, last=10) | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | clip = clip[::2] | Select even numbered frames | clip = core.std.SelectEvery(clip, cycle=2, offsets=0) | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | clip = clip[1::2] | Select odd numbered frames | clip = core.std.SelectEvery(clip, cycle=2, offsets=1) | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | clip = clip[::-1] | Reverses a clip | | clip = core.std.Reverse(clip) | | | | | clip = core.std.AudioReverse(clip) | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | clip = clip1 + clip2 | The addition operator can be used to splice clips together | | clip = core.std.Splice([clip1, clip2], mismatch=False) | | | | | clip = core.std.AudioSplice([clip1, clip2]) | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | clip = clip * 10 | The multiplication operator can be used to loop a clip [#f2]_ | | clip = core.std.Loop(clip, times=10) | | | | | clip = core.std.AudioLoop(clip, times=10) | +-------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ .. [#f1] Note that frame numbers, like python arrays, start counting at 0 and the end value of slicing is not inclusive .. [#f2] Note that multiplication by 0 is a special case that will repeat the clip up to the maximum frame count Filters can be chained with a dot:: clip = clip.std.Trim(first=100, last=2000).std.FlipVertical() Which is quivalent to:: clip = core.std.FlipVertical(core.std.Trim(clip, first=100, last=2000)) Python Keywords as Filter Arguments *********************************** If a filter's argument happens to be a Python keyword, you may prepend an underscore to the argument's name when invoking the filter. The Python module will strip one leading underscore from all filter arguments before passing them to the filters. :: clip = core.plugin.Filter(clip, _lambda=1) Another way to deal with such arguments is to place them in a dictionary:: kwargs = { "lambda": 1 } clip = core.plugin.Filter(clip, **kwargs) VapourSynth will also support the PEP8 convention of using a single trailing underscore to prevent collisions with python keywords. Windows File Paths (Strings With Backslashes) ********************************************* If you have a string containing backslashes, you must either prefix the string with "r", or duplicate every single backslash. The reason is that the backslash is an escape character in Python. Incorrect; Python will think "\\A" and "\\G" are supposed to mean something special:: core.avs.LoadPlugin("B:\Avisynth plugins\GuavaComb.dll") Correct; Python will think "\\\\" means something special, namely a single backslash:: core.avs.LoadPlugin("B:\\Avisynth plugins\\GuavaComb.dll") Correct; Python will not consider any combination of characters special:: core.avs.LoadPlugin(r"B:\Avisynth plugins\GuavaComb.dll") Additionally, if the string is a Windows file path, it can also be written with forward slashes instead of backslashes:: core.avs.LoadPlugin("B:/Avisynth plugins/GuavaComb.dll") Output ****** The normal way of specifying the clip(s) to output is to call *clip.set_output()*. All standard VapourSynth components only use output index 0, except for vspipe where it's configurable but defaults to 0. There are also other variables that can be set to control how a format is output. For example, setting *alt_output=1* changes the packing of the YUV422P10 format to one that is common in professional software (like Adobe products). Note that currently *alt_output* modes only has an effect with YUV420P8 (I420, IYUV), YUV422P8 (YUY2, UYVY) and YUV422P10 (v210). An example on how to get v210 output:: some_clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip, format=vs.YUV422P10) some_clip.set_output(alt_output=1) An example on how to get UYVY output:: some_clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip, format=vs.YUV422P8) some_clip.set_output(alt_output=2) Raw Access to Frame Data ************************ The VideoFrame and AudioFrame classes contains one picture/audio chunk and all the metadata associated with it. It is possible to access the raw data using either *get_read_ptr(plane)* or *get_write_ptr(plane)* and *get_stride(plane)* with ctypes. A more Python friendly wrapping is also available where each plane/channel can be accessed as a Python array using *frame[plane/channel]*. For backward compatibility reasons, the VideoFrame class also provides *get_read_array(plane)* and *get_write_array(plane)* whose returned value implements the Python buffer protocol, and the pixels at using *arr[row,col]*. To get a frame simply call *get_frame(n)* on a clip. Should you desire to get all frames in a clip, use this code:: for frame in clip.frames(): # Do stuff with your frame pass Classes and Functions ##################### .. py:attribute:: core Gets the singleton Core object. If it is the first time the function is called, the Core will be instantiated with the default options. This is the preferred way to reference the core. .. py:function:: get_outputs() Return a read-only mapping of all outputs registered on the current node. The mapping will automatically update when a new output is registered. .. py:function:: get_output([index = 0]) Get a previously set output node. Throws an error if the index hasn't been set. Will return a VideoOutputTuple containing *alpha* and the *alt_output* setting for video output and an AudioNode for audio. .. py:function:: clear_output([index = 0]) Clears a clip previously set for output. .. py:function:: clear_outputs() Clears all clips set for output in the current environment. .. py:function:: construct_signature(signature[, injected=None]) Creates a *inspect.Signature* object for the given registration signature. If *injected* is not None, the default of the first argument of the signature will be replaced with the value supplied with injected. .. py:class:: Core The *Core* class uses a singleton pattern. Use the *core* attribute to obtain an instance. All loaded plugins are exposed as attributes of the core object. These attributes in turn hold the functions contained in the plugin. Use *plugins()* to obtain a full list of all currently loaded plugins you may call this way. .. py:attribute:: num_threads The number of concurrent threads used by the core. Can be set to change the number. Setting to a value less than one makes it default to the number of hardware threads. .. py:attribute:: max_cache_size Set the upper framebuffer cache size after which memory is aggressively freed. The value is in megabytes. .. py:method:: plugins() Containing all loaded plugins. .. py:method:: get_plugins() Deprecated, use *plugins()* instead. .. py:method:: list_functions() Deprecated, use *plugins()* instead. .. py:method:: get_video_format(id) Retrieve a Format object corresponding to the specified id. Returns None if the *id* is invalid. .. py:method:: get_format(id) Deprecated, use *get_video_format()* instead. .. py:method:: query_video_format(color_family, sample_type, bits_per_sample, subsampling_w, subsampling_h) Retrieve a Format object corresponding to the format information, Invalid formats throw an exception. .. py:method:: register_format(color_family, sample_type, bits_per_sample, subsampling_w, subsampling_h) Deprecated, use *query_video_format()* instead. .. py:method:: add_log_handler(handler_func) Installs a custom handler for the various error messages VapourSynth emits. The message handler is currently global, i.e. per process, not per VSCore instance. Returns a LogHandle object. *handler_func* is a callback function of the form *func(MessageType, message)*. .. py:method:: remove_log_handler(handle) Removes a custom handler. .. py:method:: log_message(message_type, message) Send a message through VapourSynth’s logging framework. .. py:method:: version() Returns version information as a string. .. py:method:: version_number() Returns the core version as a number. .. py:class:: VideoNode Represents a video clip. The class itself supports indexing and slicing to perform trim, reverse and selectevery operations. Several operators are also defined for the VideoNode class: addition appends clips and multiplication repeats them. Note that slicing and indexing always return a new VideoNode object and not a VideoFrame. .. py:attribute:: format A Format object describing the frame data. If the format can change between frames, this value is None. .. py:attribute:: width The width of the video. This value will be 0 if the width and height can change between frames. .. py:attribute:: height The height of the video. This value will be 0 if the width and height can change between frames. .. py:attribute:: num_frames The number of frames in the clip. .. py:attribute:: fps The framerate represented as a *Fraction*. It is 0/1 when the clip has a variable framerate. .. py:attribute:: numerator The numerator of the framerate. If the clip has variable framerate, the value will be 0. .. py:attribute:: denominator The denominator of the framerate. If the clip has variable framerate, the value will be 0. .. py:attribute:: fps_num Deprecated, use *fps.numerator* instead The numerator of the framerate. If the clip has variable framerate, the value will be 0. .. py:attribute:: fps_den Deprecated, use *fps.denominator* instead The denominator of the framerate. If the clip has variable framerate, the value will be 0. .. py:attribute:: flags Special flags set for this clip. This attribute should normally be ignored. .. py:method:: get_frame(n) Returns a VideoFrame from position *n*. .. py:method:: get_frame_async(n) Returns a concurrent.futures.Future-object which result will be a VideoFrame instance or sets the exception thrown when rendering the frame. *The future will always be in the running or completed state* .. py:method:: get_frame_async_raw(n, cb: callable) First form of this method. It will call the callback from another thread as soon as the frame is rendered. The `result`-value passed to the callback will either be a VideoFrame-instance on success or a Error-instance on failure. *This method is intended for glue code. For normal use, use get_frame_async instead.* :param n: The frame number :param cb: A callback in the form `cb(node, n, result)` .. py:method:: get_frame_async_raw(n, cb: Future[, wrapper: callable = None]) :noindex: Second form of this method. It will take a Future-like object (including asyncio.Future or similar) and set its result or exception according to the result of the function. The optional `wrapper`-parameter is intended for calls like asyncio.EventLoop.call_soon_threadsafe in which all calls to its future-object must be wrapped. *This method is intended for glue code. For normal use, use get_frame_async instead.* :param n: The frame number :param cb: The future-object whose result will be set. :param wrapper: A wrapper-callback which is responsible for moving the result across thread boundaries. If not given, the result of the future will be set in a random thread. .. py:method:: set_output(index = 0, alpha = None, alt_output = 0) Set the clip to be accessible for output. This is the standard way to specify which clip(s) to output. All VapourSynth tools (vsvfw, vsfs, vspipe) use the clip in *index* 0. It's possible to specify an additional containing the *alpha* to output at the same time. Currently only vspipe takes *alpha* into consideration when outputting. The *alt_output* argument is for optional alternate output modes. Currently it controls the FOURCCs used for VFW-style output with certain formats. .. py:method:: output(fileobj[, y4m = False, prefetch = 0, progress_update = None, backlog=-1]) Write the whole clip to the specified file handle. It is possible to pipe to stdout by specifying *sys.stdout* as the file. YUV4MPEG2 headers will be added when *y4m* is true. The current progress can be reported by passing a callback function of the form *func(current_frame, total_frames)* to *progress_update*. The *prefetch* argument is only for debugging purposes and should never need to be changed. The *backlog* argument is only for debugging purposes and should never need to be changed. .. py:method:: frames([prefetch=None, backlog=None]) Returns a generator iterator of all VideoFrames in the clip. It will render multiple frames concurrently. The *prefetch* argument defines how many frames are rendered concurrently. Is only there for debugging purposes and should never need to be changed. The *backlog* argument defines how many unconsumed frames (including those that did not finish rendering yet) vapoursynth buffers at most before it stops rendering additional frames. This argument is there to limit the memory this function uses storing frames. .. py:class:: VideoOutputTuple This class is returned by get_output if the output is video. .. py:attribute:: clip A VideoNode-instance containing the color planes. .. py:attribute:: alpha A VideoNode-instance containing the alpha planes. .. py:attribute:: alt_output An integer with the alternate output mode to be used. May be ignored if no meaningful mapping exists. .. py:class:: VideoFrame This class represents a video frame and all metadata attached to it. .. py:attribute:: format A Format object describing the frame data. .. py:attribute:: width The width of the frame. .. py:attribute:: height The height of the frame. .. py:attribute:: readonly If *readonly* is True, the frame data and properties cannot be modified. .. py:attribute:: props This attribute holds all the frame's properties as a dict. They are also mapped as sub-attributes for compatibility with older scripts. For more information, see: `API Reference `_ Note: This includes the data for matrix, transfer and primaries. (_Matrix, _Transfer, _Primaries) See `Resize `_ for more information. .. py:method:: copy() Returns a writable copy of the frame. .. py:method:: get_read_ptr(plane) Returns a pointer to the raw frame data. The data may not be modified. Note that this is a thin wrapper for the underlying C-api and as such calls to *get_write_ptr*, including the ones made internally by other functions in the Python bindings, may invalidate any pointers previously gotten to the frame with *get_read_ptr* when called. .. py:method:: get_write_ptr(plane) Returns a pointer to the raw frame data. It may be modified using ctypes or some other similar python package. Note that this is a thin wrapper for the underlying C-api and as such calls to *get_write_ptr*, including the ones made internally by other functions in the Python bindings, may invalidate any pointers previously gotten to the frame with *get_read_ptr* when called. .. py:method:: get_stride(plane) Returns the stride between lines in a *plane*. .. py:class:: VideoFormat This class represents all information needed to describe a frame format. It holds the general color type, subsampling, number of planes and so on. The names map directly to the C API so consult it for more detailed information. .. py:attribute:: id A unique *id* identifying the format. .. py:attribute:: name A human readable name of the format. .. py:attribute:: color_family Which group of colorspaces the format describes. .. py:attribute:: sample_type If the format is integer or floating point based. .. py:attribute:: bits_per_sample How many bits are used to store one sample in one plane. .. py:attribute:: bytes_per_sample The actual storage is padded up to 2^n bytes for efficiency. .. py:attribute:: subsampling_w The subsampling for the second and third plane in the horizontal direction. .. py:attribute:: subsampling_h The subsampling for the second and third plane in the vertical direction. .. py:attribute:: num_planes The number of planes the format has. .. py:method:: replace(core=None, **kwargs) Returns a new format with the given modifications. The only supported attributes that can be replaced are `color_family`, `sample_type`, `bits_per_sample`, `subsampling_w`, `subsampling_h`. The optional `core`-parameter defines on which core the new format should be registered. This is usually not needed and defaults to the core of the current environment. .. py:class:: AudioNode Represents an audio clip. The class itself supports indexing and slicing to perform trim, reverse and selectevery operations. Several operators are also defined for the AudioNode class: addition appends clips and multiplication repeats them. Note that slicing and indexing always return a new AudioNode object and not a AudioFrame. .. py:attribute:: sample_type If the format is integer or floating point based. .. py:attribute:: bits_per_sample How many bits are used to store one sample in one plane. .. py:attribute:: bytes_per_sample The actual storage is padded up to 2^n bytes for efficiency. .. py:attribute:: channel_layout A mask of used channels. .. py:attribute:: num_channels The number of channels the format has. .. py:attribute:: sample_rate Playback sample rate. .. py:method:: get_frame(n) Returns an AudioFrame from position *n*. .. py:method:: get_frame_async(n) Returns a concurrent.futures.Future-object which result will be an AudioFrame instance or sets the exception thrown when rendering the frame. *The future will always be in the running or completed state* .. py:method:: get_frame_async_raw(n, cb: callable) First form of this method. It will call the callback from another thread as soon as the frame is rendered. The `result`-value passed to the callback will either be a AudioFrame-instance on success or a Error-instance on failure. *This method is intended for glue code. For normal use, use get_frame_async instead.* :param n: The frame number :param cb: A callback in the form `cb(node, n, result)` .. py:method:: get_frame_async_raw(n, cb: Future[, wrapper: callable = None]) :noindex: Second form of this method. It will take a Future-like object (including asyncio.Future or similar) and set its result or exception according to the result of the function. The optional `wrapper`-parameter is intended for calls like asyncio.EventLoop.call_soon_threadsafe in which all calls to its future-object must be wrapped. *This method is intended for glue code. For normal use, use get_frame_async instead.* :param n: The frame number :param cb: The future-object whose result will be set. :param wrapper: A wrapper-callback which is responsible for moving the result across thread boundaries. If not given, the result of the future will be set in a random thread. .. py:method:: set_output(index = 0) Set the clip to be accessible for output. .. py:method:: frames([prefetch=None, backlog=None]) Returns a generator iterator of all AudioFrames in the clip. It will render multiple frames concurrently. The *prefetch* argument defines how many frames are rendered concurrently. Is only there for debugging purposes and should never need to be changed. The *backlog* argument defines how many unconsumed frames (including those that did not finish rendering yet) vapoursynth buffers at most before it stops rendering additional frames. This argument is there to limit the memory this function uses storing frames. .. py:class:: AudioFrame This class represents an audio frame and all metadata attached to it. .. py:attribute:: sample_type If the format is integer or floating point based. .. py:attribute:: bits_per_sample How many bits are used to store one sample in one plane. .. py:attribute:: bytes_per_sample The actual storage is padded up to 2^n bytes for efficiency. .. py:attribute:: channel_layout A mask of used channels. .. py:attribute:: num_channels The number of channels the format has. .. py:attribute:: readonly If *readonly* is True, the frame data and properties cannot be modified. .. py:attribute:: props This attribute holds all the frame's properties as a dict. Note that audio frame properties are fairly non-sensical as a concept for audio due to an arbitrary number of samples being lumped together and rarely used. .. py:method:: copy() Returns a writable copy of the frame. .. py:method:: get_read_ptr(plane) Returns a pointer to the raw frame data. The data may not be modified. .. py:method:: get_write_ptr(plane) Returns a pointer to the raw frame data. It may be modified using ctypes or some other similar python package. .. py:method:: get_stride(plane) Returns the stride between lines in a *plane*. .. py:class:: Plugin Plugin is a class that represents a loaded plugin and its namespace. .. py:attribute:: namespace The namespace of the plugin. .. py:attribute:: name The name string of the plugin. .. py:attribute:: identifier .. py:method:: functions() Containing all the functions in the plugin, You can access it by calling *core..functions()*. .. py:method:: get_functions() Deprecated, use *functions()* instead. .. py:method:: list_functions() Deprecated, use *functions()* instead. .. py:class:: Function Function is a simple wrapper class for a function provided by a VapourSynth plugin. Its main purpose is to be called and nothing else. .. py:attribute:: name The function name. Identical to the string used to register the function. .. py:attribute:: plugin The *Plugin* object the function belongs to. .. py:attribute:: signature Raw function signature string. Identical to the string used to register the function. .. py:attribute:: return_signature Raw function signature string. Identical to the return type string used register the function. .. py:class:: Environment This class represents an environment. Some editors allow multiple vapoursynth-scripts to run in the same process, each of them comes with a different Core-instance and their own set of outputs. Each core-instance with their associated outputs represent their own environment. At any given time, only one environment can be active (in the same context). This class allows introspection about environments and allows to switch to them at will. .. code:: env = get_current_environment() # sometime later with env.use(): # Do stuff inside this env. .. warning:: Environment-objects obtained using the :func:`vpy_current_environment` can directly be used as as a context manager. This can cause undefined behaviour when used in combination with generators and/or coroutines. This context-manager maintains a thread-local environment-stack that is used to restore the previous environment. This can cause issues if the frame is suspended inside the block. A similar problem also existed in previous VapourSynth versions! .. code:: env = vpy_current_environment() with env: yield .. py:function:: is_single() Returns True if the script is _not_ running inside a vsscript-Environment. If it is running inside a vsscript-Environment, it returns False. .. py:attribute:: env_id Return -1 if the script is not running inside a vsscript-Environment. Otherwise, it will return the current environment-id. .. py:attribute:: single See is_single() .. py:attribute:: alive Has the environment been destroyed by the underlying application? .. py:method:: copy() Creates a copy of the environment-object. Added: R51 .. py:method:: use() Returns a context-manager that enables the given environment in the block enclosed in the with-statement and restores the environment to the one defined before the with-block has been encountered. .. code:: env = get_current_environment() with env.use(): with env.use(): pass Added: R51 .. py:function:: vpy_current_environment() Deprecated. Use :func:`get_current_environment` instead. Returns an Environment-object representing the environment the script is currently running in. It will raise an error if we are currently not inside any script-environment while vsscript is being used. This function is intended for Python-based editors using vsscript. This function has been deprecated as this function has undefined behaviour when used together with generators or coroutines. .. py:function:: get_current_environment() Returns an Environment-object representing the environment the script is currently running in. It will raise an error if we are currently not inside any script-environment while vsscript is being used. This function is intended for Python-based editors using vsscript. Added: R51 .. py:class:: EnvironmentPolicy This class is intended for subclassing by custom Script-Runners and Editors. Normal users don't need this class. Most methods implemented here have corresponding APIs in other parts of this module. An instance of this class controls which environment is activated in the current context. The exact meaning of "context" is defined by the concrete EnvironmentPolicy. A environment is represented by a :class:`EnvironmentData`-object. To use this class, first create a subclass and then use :func:`register_policy` to get VapourSynth to use your policy. This must happen before vapoursynth is first used. VapourSynth will automatically register an internal policy if it needs one. The subclass must be weak-referenciable! Once the method :meth:`on_policy_registered` has been called, the policy is responsible for creating and managing environments. Special considerations have been made to ensure the functions of class cannot be abused. You cannot retrieve the current running policy yourself. The additional API exposed by "on_policy_registered" is only valid if the policy has been registered. Once the policy is unregistered, all calls to the additional API will fail with a RuntimeError. Added: R51 .. py:method:: on_policy_registered(special_api) This method is called when the policy has successfully been registered. It proivdes additional internal methods that are hidden as they are useless and or harmful unless you implement your own policy. :param special_api: This is a :class:`EnvironmentPolicyAPI`-object that exposes additional API .. py:method:: on_policy_cleared() This method is called once the python-process exits or when unregister_policy is called by the environment-policy. This allows the policy to free the resources used by the policy. .. py:method:: get_current_environment() This method is called by the module to detect which environment is currently running in the current context. If None is returned, it means that no environment is currently active. :returns: An :class:`EnvironmentData`-object representing the currently active environment in the current context. .. py:method:: set_environment(environment) This method is called by the module to change the currently active environment. If None is passed to this function the policy may switch to another environment of its choosing. Note: The function is responsible to check whether or not the environment is alive. If a dead environment is passed, it should act like None has been passed instead of the dead environment but must never error. :param environment: The :class:`EnvironmentData` to enable in the current context. :returns: The environment that was enabled previously. .. py:method:: is_alive(environment) Is the current environment still active and managed by the policy. The default implementation checks if `EnvironmentPolicyAPI.destroy_environment` has been called on the environment. .. py:class:: EnvironmentPolicyAPI This class is intended to be used by custom Script-Runners and Editors. An instance of this class exposes an additional API. The methods are bound to a specific :class:`EnvironmentPolicy`-instance and will only work if the policy is currently registered. Added: R51 .. py:method:: wrap_environment(environment) Creates a new :class:`Environment`-object bound to the passed environment-id. .. warning:: This function does not check if the id corresponds to a live environment as the caller is expected to know which environments are active. .. py:method:: create_environment(flags = 0) Returns a :class:`Environment` that is used by the wrapper for context sensitive data used by VapourSynth. For example it holds the currently active core object as well as the currently registered outputs. .. py:method:: set_logger(environment, callback) This function sets the logger for the given environment. This logger is a callback function that accepts two parameters: Level, which is an instance of vs.MessageType and a string containing the log message. .. py:method:: destroy_environment(environment) Marks an environment as destroyed. Older environment-policy implementations that don't use this function still work. Either EnvironmentPolicy.is_alive must be overridden or this method be used to mark the environment as destroyed. Added: R52 .. py:method:: unregister_policy() Unregisters the policy it is bound to and allows another policy to be registered. .. py:function:: register_policy(policy) This function is intended for use by custom Script-Runners and Editors. It installs your custom :class:`EnvironmentPolicy`. This function only works if no other policy has been installed. If no policy is installed, the first environment-sensitive call will automatically register an internal policy. Added: R50 .. note:: This must be done before VapourSynth is used in any way. Here is a non-exhaustive list that automatically register a policy: * Using "vsscript_init" in "VSScript.h" * Using :func:`get_outputs` * Using :func:`get_output` * Using :func:`clear_output` * Using :func:`clear_outputs` * Using :func:`vpy_current_environment` * Using :func:`get_current_environment` * Accessing any attribute of :attr:`core` .. py:function:: has_policy() This function is intended for subclassing by custom Script-Runners and Editors. This function checks if a :class:`EnvironmentPolicy` has been installed. Added: R50 .. py:class:: EnvironmentData Internal class that stores the context sensitive data that VapourSynth needs. It is an opaque object whose attributes you cannot access directly. A normal user has no way of getting an instance of this object. You can only encounter EnvironmentData-objects if you work with EnvironmentPolicies. This object is weak-referenciable meaning you can get a callback if the environment-data object is actually being freed (i.e. no other object holds an instance to the environment data.) Added: R50 .. py:class:: Func Func is a simple wrapper class for VapourSynth VSFunc objects. Its main purpose is to be called and manage reference counting. .. py:exception:: Error The standard exception class. This exception is thrown on most errors encountered in VapourSynth. Constants ######### Video ***** Color Family ------------ The color family constants describe groups of formats and the basic way their color information is stored. You should be familiar with all of them apart from maybe *YCOCG* and *COMPAT*. The latter is a special junk category for non-planar formats. These are the declared constants in the module:: UNDEFINED RGB YUV GRAY Format ------ Format constants exactly describe a format. All common and even more uncommon formats have handy constants predefined so in practice no one should really need to register one of their own. These values are mostly used by the resizers to specify which format to convert to. The naming system is quite simple. First the color family, then the subsampling (only YUV has it) and after that how many bits per sample in one plane. The exception to this rule is RGB, which has the bits for all 3 planes added together. The long list of values:: NONE GRAY8 GRAY9 GRAY10 GRAY12 GRAY14 GRAY16 GRAY32 GRAYH GRAYS YUV420P8 YUV422P8 YUV444P8 YUV410P8 YUV411P8 YUV440P8 YUV420P9 YUV422P9 YUV444P9 YUV420P10 YUV422P10 YUV444P10 YUV420P12 YUV422P12 YUV444P12 YUV420P14 YUV422P14 YUV444P14 YUV420P16 YUV422P16 YUV444P16 YUV444PH YUV444PS RGB24 RGB27 RGB30 RGB36 RGB42 RGB48 RGBH RGBS Chroma Location --------------- :: CHROMA_LEFT CHROMA_CENTER CHROMA_TOP_LEFT CHROMA_TOP CHROMA_BOTTOM_LEFT CHROMA_BOTTOM Field Based ----------- :: FIELD_PROGRESSIVE FIELD_TOP FIELD_BOTTOM Color Range ----------- :: RANGE_FULL RANGE_LIMITED Matrix Coefficients ------------------- :: MATRIX_RGB MATRIX_BT709 MATRIX_UNSPECIFIED MATRIX_FCC MATRIX_BT470_BG MATRIX_ST170_M MATRIX_YCGCO MATRIX_BT2020_NCL MATRIX_BT2020_CL MATRIX_CHROMATICITY_DERIVED_NCL MATRIX_CHROMATICITY_DERIVED_CL MATRIX_ICTCP TransferCharacteristics ----------------------- :: TRANSFER_BT709 TRANSFER_UNSPECIFIED TRANSFER_BT470_M TRANSFER_BT470_BG TRANSFER_BT601 TRANSFER_ST240_M TRANSFER_LINEAR TRANSFER_LOG_100 TRANSFER_LOG_316 TRANSFER_IEC_61966_2_4 TRANSFER_IEC_61966_2_1 TRANSFER_BT2020_10 TRANSFER_BT2020_12 TRANSFER_ST2084 TRANSFER_ARIB_B67 Color Primaries --------------- :: PRIMARIES_BT709 PRIMARIES_UNSPECIFIED PRIMARIES_BT470_M PRIMARIES_BT470_BG PRIMARIES_ST170_M PRIMARIES_ST240_M PRIMARIES_FILM PRIMARIES_BT2020 PRIMARIES_ST428 PRIMARIES_ST431_2 PRIMARIES_ST432_1 PRIMARIES_EBU3213_E Audio ***** Channels -------- :: FRONT_LEFT FRONT_RIGHT FRONT_CENTER LOW_FREQUENCY BACK_LEFT BACK_RIGHT FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER BACK_CENTER SIDE_LEFT SIDE_RIGHT TOP_CENTER TOP_FRONT_LEFT TOP_FRONT_CENTER TOP_FRONT_RIGHT TOP_BACK_LEFT TOP_BACK_CENTER TOP_BACK_RIGHT STEREO_LEFT STEREO_RIGHT WIDE_LEFT WIDE_RIGHT SURROUND_DIRECT_LEFT SURROUND_DIRECT_RIGHT LOW_FREQUENCY2 Sample Type *********** :: INTEGER FLOAT